If you enjoy working on automobiles, then starting a small auto repair business may be your true calling. However, the automobile industry carries its own economics and is changing rapidly. For example, recycling oil is one way automotive dealers, manufacturers and repair shops are helping to preserve the environment. Additionally, cars are being manufactured to run more efficiently and control emissions that affect the air. Auto repair businesses employing workers with the necessary skills and expertise to service these vehicles will likely always be in demand.
Step 1
Get training and then get certified. An accreditation as a result of adequate training is a viable marketing tool. It benefits both you and your customers.
Step 2
Visit the National Automotive Service Task Force website. This nonprofit agency is a knowledgeable resource for trends and news directly relating to the equipment and tool industry, automotive manufacturers and the automotive service industry.
Visit the National Automotive Service Task Force website. This nonprofit agency is a knowledgeable resource for trends and news directly relating to the equipment and tool industry, automotive manufacturers and the automotive service industry.
Step 3
Visit the EPA On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) web page. This agency deals with how automotive repair technicians can effectively diagnose a vehicle's emissions control or engine problems.
Visit the EPA On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) web page. This agency deals with how automotive repair technicians can effectively diagnose a vehicle's emissions control or engine problems.
Step 4
Visit the EPA Wastes - Resource Conversation - Common Wastes & Materials web page for tips on how small businesses can better manage used oil. Promote your business as one that practices environmental awareness by collecting and recycling its used motor oil.
Visit the EPA Wastes - Resource Conversation - Common Wastes & Materials web page for tips on how small businesses can better manage used oil. Promote your business as one that practices environmental awareness by collecting and recycling its used motor oil.
Step 5
Create a business plan with a strong financial section. You will likely need to secure a commercial building location to run this type of business and this expense must be included in your startup costs. Seek a business consultant in your area to help you write a successful plan.
Create a business plan with a strong financial section. You will likely need to secure a commercial building location to run this type of business and this expense must be included in your startup costs. Seek a business consultant in your area to help you write a successful plan.
Step 6
File your business with your state's secretary of state office. Make sure you have any required licenses and permits needed to operate your small auto repair business.
File your business with your state's secretary of state office. Make sure you have any required licenses and permits needed to operate your small auto repair business.
Step 7
Obtain the advice of a lawyer. Ask what kind of issues you might face in the automotive repair industry and what you can do to remain legally compliant. Begin by making sure your company's service policies are posted where your customers can see them when they enter your place of business.
Obtain the advice of a lawyer. Ask what kind of issues you might face in the automotive repair industry and what you can do to remain legally compliant. Begin by making sure your company's service policies are posted where your customers can see them when they enter your place of business.
- Determine if you will specialize in servicing a specific car manufacturer's brand or become a general small auto repair business. Knowing this information may help you decide on a suitable name for your business.
- Purchase an adequate amount of liability insurance to cover you and your workers.
References (3)
Resources (4)
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